About Ineke
Hello!! I was born in the (very early!) 80’s in Melbourne, and after obtaining my Bachelor of Arts at Melbourne University (2003), I went on to work in the Media Sector in Sales. Although it sounded fabulous and fun on paper, I found it quite draining on my soul.
So after meeting my (now) husband and relocating to Sydney away from all our family and support systems, I fulfilled my lifelong passion to become a Primary School teacher and achieved my Masters of Education from Sydney University (2009). I found alignment with a progressive, independent school however I soon fell pregnant and began my journey as a mum.
My daughter was born, followed shortly after by my son. He was perfection, healthy and totally gorgeous, but passed away at 14 days old due to an unknown cause of death. This was a huge turning point in my life where I had to choose whether to Sink or Swim, and I paddled fast.
I was determined to move through my tragedy by having another baby, but unfortunately my body didn’t agree and we ended up doing IVF for many rounds, with five heartbreaking chemical pregnancies. Somewhere in the mess I had a not-awesome Pap Smear and had to have surgery.
Through this storm however, I ended up with another three gorgeous children who light me up (and make me laugh, cry and every emotion in between!) every single day. So I feel very grateful and blessed to have five little souls who know me as mum, even though most people only see four.
With my husband travelling a lot, out of necessity I started to create efficiencies, scaffolds and supports at home for my own children, and it wasn’t long before before the little voice in my head (and my very dear and patient friends!) started urging me to create ‘something’ that could help other families feel empowered and flow more smoothly. And so The Family Platform was created.
After launching and going on a huge learning curve, to support my wonderful families and clients at a much deeper, more positive, and more transformative level, I have added an internationally recognised life coaching qualification (through the heart-based Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy).
Now you’re up to date!
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Supporting parents to get out of their funk, find clarity, give themselves permission to try something different, and feel empowered to achieve all they can dream of.